Sōsuishi-ryū Jūjutsu Kai Australia & New Zealand (SJJK-AUS/NZ) 双水執流オーストラリアニュージーランド柔術会

Sōsuishi-ryū Kumi-uchi (Jūjutsu) and Koshi-no-mawari (Iaijutsu) (双水執流組討腰之廻) are taught by authorised instructors and practice leaders of the Sōsuishi-ryū Jūjutsu Kai Australia & New Zealand (SJJK-AUS/NZ), under the auspices of Kumataka Dōjōs.

Our practice is overseen by Shitama Manzo, Dai Shihan and 16th familial inheritor of this 370-year old ryūha. The SJJK-AUS/NZ is the regional branch of his organisation, the Sōsuishi-ryū Jūjutsu Kai.  The Hombu Dōjō is the Shadanhōjin Sekiryūkan, located in Fukuoka, Japan. This is one of the oldest dōjōs in Japan and is both a koryū jūjutsu and jūdō dōjō.

Branch dōjōs are located in Epping (NSW) and Bayswater (WA), with keikokai in St George (NSW) and Mukdahan (Thailand), in the respective Kumataka Dōjōs. We travel to Sekiryūkan with our students regularly for continuing instruction.

The Sōsuishi-ryū Jūjutsu Kai Australia & New Zealand is the organisation endorsed by Shitama Manzo Sensei to represent Sōsuishi-ryū Kumi-uchi and Koshi-no-mawari in the region. The Regional Directors are Peter Williams, Kyōshi and Thomas Crooks, Kyōshi. The Sōsuishi-ryū Jūjutsu Kai Australia & New Zealand maintains up to date records of all recognised dōjō, instructors and members, gradings and promotions, and administrates the legitimate practice of the art in the region.

Please contact us with any inquiries.

SJJK-AUS/NZ instructors with Shitama Sensei at Sekiryūkan Dōjō, November 2018.

Left to right: Peter Williams, Bill Kinkel (SJJK-USA/Americas Co-Director), Sensei Shitama Manzo 16th Dai Menkyo, Thomas Crooks, Gabriel Dayeh

To find a dojo, please see SJJK-AUS/NZ Locations. Explore the Kumataka Dōjōs website for more information about the art and our organisation.